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Amazon dropped the Kindle name from the tablets a few years back. To extract the ebooks to your computer, you can use any file copy program. The Kindle application lets you not only manage, but also read Kindle books on the computer. Locate the folder with Kindle books on your computer. Download the books from the cloud to the app.
To be able to extract your books from your Android phone, you need to synchronise the books first, so they are available on your device. Download the Kindle desktop application (there are versions for PC and Mac). Please use new Reddit for up to date information and sub rules.įire tablets are not Kindle e-readers. The ebooks of the Amazon Kindle app can be found on your Android phone in PRC format below the folder. Note - Old Reddit is not maintained in this sub. Have questions before you buy a Kindle product or accessory? Want to know more about any of the products? Have news or tips to share? Join our friendly members. Read this document first - Find your printer in the list of printers and supported applications. Print from your Android, iOS, or Amazon Fire device with the HP Mobile printing app. Mobile Printing Options, How-to, Help, and Information.

Amazon Whispersync technology automatically syncs your eBooks across apps, so you can start reading a book on your Windows Phone 8, and pick up where you left off on another device with the Kindle app installed. Whether there is support for this depends on the printer. This subreddit is for everything Kindle related. Choose from over a million Kindle books from the Kindle Store, including New York Times best sellers and new releases.